Take a read through our Pet Care Blog for great articles and helpful tips on how you can care and look after the health of your pets.
Tips for Medicating Your Pet
Many common veterinary treatments, such as worming products and antibiotics, require owners to regularly administer oral medications to their pet. Whilst some pets will obligingly allow tablets to be popped down their throat, or at least eat them in food, other pets...
Warm weather hazards
We all love spending time outdoors on these long summer days, and our pets are no exception! The increased activity is great for their mental and physical health. To prevent some common warm-weather hazards from raining on your pet’s parade, follow these summer safety...
Holidaying with your pet
Is your pet joining you for a Christmas holiday trip? Follow these basic pet travel guidelines to keep everyone merry! Making a list and checking it twice Pets away from home can easily get disoriented and lost. Before you travel, check that your pet’s microchip...
Keeping your pet up-to-date with parasite prevention
With increasing day length and warmer weather, most of us, including our pets, will be enjoying more time spent outdoors. It’s always important to ensure your four-legged friend is up-to-date with routine disease and parasite prevention, but especially so at a time of...
A little bit of wee goes a long way
A urine test is a simple and effective method for us to check the health of your pet’s urinary system. A urine test provides a large amount of information on the health of your pet and can be helpful in identifying conditions such as bladder stones and obstructions,...
Taking care of teeth at home
The development of dental disease in pets can be affected by the animal’s breed, oral anatomy, diet and age. Dental disease is one of the most common problems we see in veterinary practice and it needs to be managed with a multi-targeted approach. Regular check-ups...
How to care for an elderly cat
Thanks to better nutrition, disease prevention and proper home care, cats are now living longer than ever before. Senior cats have recently been redefined as cats over the age of 11 years, but it’s not uncommon for us to see a ‘super-senior’ feline over the age of 15...
What to do if your pet has tummy troubles
At some point in your pet's life, they will probably experience a gastrointestinal upset. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea. It can be distressing for you and your pet, and it's sometimes hard to know what you should do. We have simplified the facts,...
Understanding canine cruciate ligament disease
“Oh no! My dog isn't a footballer but could he have just 'done his knee?" One of the most common orthopedic conditions we see in dogs is cranial cruciate ligament disease, which is actually very similar to the injury seen in humans on the sporting field - rupture of...
COVID-19 and Pets – What You Need To Know Now
COVID-19 has changed the way we go about our lives and will continue to for many months. When it comes to the virus, there are plenty of questions to be asked, so here are a few answers: How is COVID-19 spread? Although it has been theorised that the new coronavirus...
When Good Behaviour Goes Bad
When it comes to pets and their behaviour, we like to refer to the saying, "there's no such thing as bad behaviour, only normal behaviour in an inappropriate setting". Put simply, what you may perceive as your pet’s "bad behaviour" is, in most cases, a normal...
About Jersey Road Vet
Jersey Road Veterinary Hospital has been faithfully serving our furry friends in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney for the last 30 years.
We provide professional veterinary services and pride ourselves in having great relationships with both our clients and their pets.

Our Location and Opening Hours
Located in the heart of Woollahra and Paddington, we aim to provide the best veterinary care to your pets.
176 Jersey Road,
Woollahra NSW 2025
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 7pm
Saturday: 9am – 2pm
Sunday: 9am – 11am